7 DAYS IN HEAVEN: A hilarious and humorous funeral. 《父後七日》:一場詼諧幽默的喪禮

7 DAYS IN HEAVEN: A hilarious and humorous funeral. 《父後七日》:一場詼諧幽默的喪禮




1. 我知道我人生最最荒謬的一趟旅程已經啟動。
I knew the most ridiculous journey of my life had just started.



2. 請收拾好您的情緒,我們即將降落。
Please stow your emotion, we are preparing to land.



3. 我經常忘記,於是,它又經常不知不覺變得很重。
I often forget… Thus… It sometimes becomes too heavy to handle.




4. 今嘛你的身軀攏總好了,無傷無痕,無病無煞,像少年時欲去打拚。
Your body is alright now. No wounds no scars. No illnesses no curses. Just like when you were young ready to go make a world for yourself.



5. 總有人在旁邊說,今嘛毋駛哭,或者,今嘛卡緊哭。
Someone always told you that. “Cry now.” or “Don’t cry now.






(資料來源:Swallow Wings Films海鵬影業


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