CLASSMATES MINUS: "Plus and minus" represents the ups and downs of life. 《同學麥娜絲》:「加與減」代表著人生有起有落

CLASSMATES MINUS: "Plus and minus" represents the ups and downs of life. 《同學麥娜絲》:「加與減」代表著人生有起有落





1. 我做任何事情都很認真,但任何事情都不如意。
I work hard on everything, but everything turns shit.



2. 你知道把事情做對跟做好的差別是什麼嗎?就是一個會升官一個不會。
You know the difference between doing things right and doing the right thing? Doing things right gets you promoted, doing the right thing doesn’t.



3. -我的人生就差這一步。 -我也差一步,我們大家都差一步而已。
-My life is this close.
-I’m this close. We are all this close.



4. 人生,本來就是唬爛三小
Life is a bunch of bullshit.



5. 明天會更好。
Tomorrow is better.








鮭魚除了被做成壽司之外,它們嚐起來也是超級好吃的 Not only is Salmon Served as Sashimi, But They Taste Pretty Great as Well
THE GREAT BUDDHA +: A black humor full of absurdity and irony. 荒謬諷刺的黑色喜劇氛圍:《大佛普拉斯》