THE GREAT BUDDHA +: A black humor full of absurdity and irony. 荒謬諷刺的黑色喜劇氛圍:《大佛普拉斯》

THE GREAT BUDDHA +: A black humor full of absurdity and irony. 荒謬諷刺的黑色喜劇氛圍:《大佛普拉斯》



1. 人家有錢人出來社會走跳,是三分靠作弊,七分靠背景。
When rich people make it big, it’s 30% cheating, 70% background.



2. 社會常說公平正義,但在他們的生命中並沒有這四個字。畢竟他們連捧飯碗都沒有力氣了,哪裡還有空去說這四個字?
Society often speaks of justice. But in these people's lives that word surely doesn't exist. Since it takes all they have to find their next meal, they have no energy to speak of such things.



3. - 男人騎什麼粉紅色的機車?- 這電影是黑白的,你不說別人會看得出來嗎?
-A guy riding a pink motorcycle?
-This movie's black and white. If you don't say it, no one will know.



4. 像你這樣在社會上做事,你墳墓上的草已經長這麼高了!
If you messed around like this out in society, the grass on your grave would already this high!









CLASSMATES MINUS: "Plus and minus" represents the ups and downs of life. 《同學麥娜絲》:「加與減」代表著人生有起有落
Let's Make a Jack-o-lantern! 來做個南瓜燈吧!