A SUN: Let the sun drive away the darkness. 讓陽光驅趕最後一絲黑暗:《陽光普照》

A SUN: Let the sun drive away the darkness. 讓陽光驅趕最後一絲黑暗:《陽光普照》






1. 把握時間,掌握方向。
Seize the day, decide your path.


2. 這個世界,最公平的是太陽,24小時從不間斷,明亮溫暖,陽光普照。
The fairest thing in the world is the sun. Regardless of latitude, every place on Earth, throughout the year, receives equal spans of day and night.


3. 人生就像開車,紅燈的時候就停一停,綠燈的時候就慢慢起步,平平穩穩慢慢地開著。
Life is like a road. As long as you grip your steering wheel, stop when you see a red light, accelerate slowly when there's a green light, and drive steadily, then the road of life will be smooth and sound.


4. 當然不能放心啊,但至少我陪著你一起不放心。
Of course you can't. But at least we can worry together.


5. 他把所有的好都給別人,忘了留一點給自己。
He gave all his goodness to others, and forgot to keep any for himself.










Let's Make a Jack-o-lantern! 來做個南瓜燈吧!
"與火雞有關的感恩節諺語 Thanksgiving Idioms connected with turkey"